What’s up, guys?
Muneeb Ahsan, https://musclebeast23.blogspot.com/ and today’s
Blog is going to be for my younger viewers
out there, and in it I’m going to be giving
you ten teen bodybuilding tips related to
training nutrition and supplementation as
well as a few other things to help get you
on a proper path toward your fitness goals.
Is started training seriously myself when
I was in my teens and I made a lot of mistakes
back then when I was first getting started,
and I see a lot of other teens making those
same mistakes.
So this blog is going to help to put you
ahead of the curve and save you from wasting
unnecessary time and effort so you can get
the best results possible and as efficiently
as possible.
Consistent proper training and proper nutrition
are really good habits to develop at a young
age because they’ll teach you the value
of setting goals and working hard toward them,
and the discipline and self confidence that
you developed from that is also going to spill
in to other areas of your life as well moving
So, good for you for starting this journey
and here are ten tips to help you out, these
aren’t the only tips there are but these
are some of the most important ones that come
to mind.
Tip number one
Teen bodybuilding tip number one is to focus
on building for the longer term.
In other words, you have to be patient and
you have to recognize right out of the gate
that building a truly strong and muscular
body, it takes time.
It’s not going to happen in a matter of
weeks and even though you can definitely makes
a noticeable gains over the span of a few
months if you do things properly, building
a real standout physique the type that you
probably after, you’re usually looking at
least a couple of years to get there assuming
you have around average genetics.
So don’t fall for all the hype that you
see online or in magazines.
This is a longer term game and you want to
focus on making slow, gradual progress rather
than trying to rush things.
And a good rate for that would be somewhere
between one to two pounds gain per month during
your first year.
That might not sound a lot but it does add
up fairly quickly when you look at it over
the course of a few months or longer.
If you’re gaining anymore that that then
you’re likely just putting on an excessive
amount of bodyfat since your body can only
build a limited amount of muscle over any
given timeframe.
Tip number two
Tip number two is to have a plan.
So don’t just go into the gym and wing it
every time by constantly mixing up your exercise
and you rep range and doing something different
every week.
Do you research and find a good, solid, well
rounded training program and stick to that
program and focus on making continue-able
strength gains on that plan for as long as
you can.
And make sure you write your workouts down
and that you strive for small improvements
each week.
Also, stay away from the very common mistake
of program hopping, where you follow one workout
for a few weeks and then switched to another
one and then another, because doing that is
only going to slow down your progress in the
longer term.
There a lot of different ways to build muscles
and gain strength effectively but for a beginning
teen bodybuilder a good, reliable guideline
would just be to follow basic full body routine
three times per week.
You don’t need to be in the gym five or
six days per week on a body-part split hitting
a different muscle group each time.
You’ll still make gains that way but a full
body routine is going to be most likely the
fastest way for you to build up an initial
foundation of size and strength.
You can graduate to an upper-lower split after
Tip number three
Teen bodybuilding tip number three is to train
you entire body equally.
This is a very common mistake that teens,
or just any beginning lifter in general tends
to make and that’s putting more emphasis
on the showy muscle like the chest and the
arms, and less emphasis on other areas like
the back or the legs.
So, they’ll go into the gym and perform
a bunch of sets of bench presses and chest
flies, bicep curls, and then only treat their
other muscle group as an afterthought.
It’s really important to understand that
every muscle group on your body plays an important
role in bringing your entire physique together.
Actually the muscles that you probably think
are the most important ones in helping build
that strong and powerful looking body, they
don’t actually contribute as much as you
Having thick and well-developed back and shoulders,
for example, that will generally have a much
bigger impact on your overall appearance than
your pecks and your biceps will.
And also if you have a well-developed upper
body but you neglect your lower body, you’re
going to look totally out of balance and it’s
just not going to be a good look in general.
So developing every muscle group equally is
very important not just visually but also
for preventing injuries.
They should all be trained in a balanced way
with big basic compound exercises as the primary
Tip number four
Tip number four is to leave your ego at the
door and always train with proper form and
A lot of lifters who are just starting out
will have the mentality of wanting to prove
themselves in the gym, and so they’ll end
up using weights that are way too heavy, using
sloppy form, a lot of momentum and not even
using a full range of motion.
Guys, you have to understand that people in
the gym can see when you’re trying to go
too heavy and there’s really nothing impressive
about it at all.
And no one else in the gym really cares how
much you can lift, anyway.
It’s way more impressive to see a lifter
using a lighter weight and using a proper
form and a full range of motion because it
shows that he’s smart, he knows what he’s
doing, he’s not worried what other people
in the gym think, and he’s just patient
in doing his own thing.
And those guys that load up the bench press
and then perform half reps with the help of
a spotter, honestly, it just looks completely
So take the time to learn the proper form
for each exercise, you can research it online
or you can get a more experienced lifter to
help you out.
Start with weights that you can lift in a
controlled manner using a full range of motion
and then slowly progress form there overtime.
Not only is that can help you maximize the
stimulation and the growth of the muscle that
you’re trying to hit but it’s also going
to reduce your chance for injury as well,
which is actually very important because if
you do get injured then your entire programs
is going to be stopped dead in its tracks.
Teen bodybuilding number five is to recognize
the importance of proper nutrition.
So you can spend all the time you want in
the gym but if you haven’t developed solid
nutritional habits to go along with it then
your results is either going to be hugely
minimized or you’re not going to get any
results at all.
So you don’t need to obsessed over all the
tiny details, or follow some super detailed
eating plan but just focus on basing your
diet around quality, minimally processed wholefoods,
getting a few servings of fruits and veggies
each day, drink plenty of water and then make
sure that you are approximately meeting your
daily calorie needs to support muscle growth,
I’ll put some calculations in the description
box to help you out with that, and that you’re
eating enough protein as well.
You can use 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight
daily as a rough minimum protein guideline
to shoot for.
I don’t recommend tracking exact macros
since that’s just going to be overkill.
And if you’re in school and your parents
are still cooking dinner for you and things
like that, it’s going to be hard to track
your macros exactly and it’s just not going
to be necessary anyway.
But, if you’re truly serious about this
and you do want to maximize your results then
estimating your total calories and your total
protein for the day that’s going to be a
good approach that will make sure you’re
getting consistent results without being too
obsessive about it.
But in any case, just recognize that nutrition
is equally as important as what you do in
the gym and that both of them go hand in hand.
Tip number six
Tip number six, don’t overemphasized supplements.
Supplements only play a small role in overall
muscle building program.
They don’t produce results anywhere near
what most supplement ads will try to tell
And as a teen your funds are probably going
to be fairly limited as well, and so the last
thing you need to be doing is running out
and spending a bunch of cash on fancy pre-workouts
or overpriced protein formulas or anything
like that.
As a teen bodybuilder, at the most, I would
say just get a basic protein powder if you
find that it helps you meet your daily protein
needs more effectively, but even that is not
mandatory and if you can hit your protein
needs through regular wholefood and you prefer
to do that then a protein powder isn’t necessary
at all.
Protein powders are really just there for
optional convenience.
And then if you’re really serious about
your results and especially if you’re in
your later teens and you have some extra cash
to spend then a basic creatine monohydrate
would also be a viable option for a small
extra strength boost.
In theory, there’s no technical reason why
a teen couldn’t supplement in the same way
as an adult, but especially for the younger
guys I’d say to just keep it simple, focus
on the basics, build your foundation first
especially if you don’t have a lot of money
to spend, and then later on if you want to
get more detailed supplement wise then you
ip number seven
Teen bodybuilding tip number seven is to not
worry about the small details.
So this ties in with some of the other points
that I was making but as a beginning teen
lifter you’re really just want to keep thing
simple for yourself and focus on getting the
main core principal down first.
You don’t need to obsess over every gram
of protein carbs and fats that you eat, you
don’t need a fancy workout program or any
special training techniques, and you don’t
need to worry about supplements aside for
maybe a few vey basic things.
The bulk of your results are going to come
from consistently implementing a few key principals
like getting stronger overtime on the basic
compound lifts, training with enough intensity,
using proper form, getting sufficient quality
calories and protein, and getting a proper
rest in between training sessions.
So don’t get this idea that you need to
have a million different things perfectly
in place in order to make great gains because
that’s likely just going to overwhelm you.
After you’ve settled in and built a decent
foundation then you can fine tune things further
but in the beginning stages just get the basics
down and keep it simple.
Tip number eight
Tip number eight, don’t try to get shredded.
I don’t recommend that anyone try to get
shredded and stayed that way year round because
it’s not healthy and it’s not sustainable
anyway but this is especially true for teen
bodybuilders because if you’re still going
through puberty then your body is still growing
and it needs the proper calories and the proper
nutrients to do that.
So maintaining a prolong calorie deficit and
trying to get a ripped looking body is not
going to be a smart idea.
There’s no evidence that weight training
itself stunts growth but depriving your body
of proper nutrition for an extended period
of time, that potentially could.
So forget about all these super lean physiques
that you see on social media, no on looks
like that year round unless they’re on drugs
or they have extremely good genetics anyway,
and no one actually looks like that in person.
That’s just not something you should be
striving for because it’s unrealistic and
it’s potentially dangerous at your age as
The only time I’d recommend a focused cutting
phase for teenager would if you’re starting
out overweight and you’re added an unhealthy
bodyfat percentage to begin with.
In that case, it’s fine.
I’m not saying that you can’t be fairly
lean and have visible abs but I wouldn’t
suggest intentionally trying to lower your
bodyfat any lower than about twelve percent.
And I’d recommend putting your focus on
building a good foundation of muscle mass
and strength rather than trying to be super
Tip number nine
Teen bodybuilding tip number nine, don’t
believe everything you read or everything
you hear.
As a younger beginner it can be pretty easy
to just automatically look up to the buff
guy at the gym or believe everything you see
on YouTube or on article just because they
were written by an expert.
But the reality is that the bodybuilding and
the fitness industry is absolutely full of
misinformation and just because someone has
an impressive physique doesn’t necessarily
mean that the advice they’re giving you
is accurate or that they have your best interest
at heart.
Because a lot of people will put out a certain
pieces of information or tell you certain
things just because they want to sell you
So don’t believe everything you hear, get
your information from a variety of sources,
think critically and look for solid reasoning
behind what people are telling you rather
than taking it at face value.
That’s going to serve you well not just
in bodybuilding but in any area of life.
Tip number ten
And lastly, teen bodybuilding tip number ten,
don’t let the gym become you entire life.
I’m not saying that the gym can’t be your
passion or your focus.
If it’s something you really enjoy and you’re
serious about that’s all fine and good,
but the reality is that proper training and
proper nutrition is a fairly straightforward
thing and it doesn’t require you to spend
hours and hours in the gym or revolve your
whole life around your diet.
Three to four workouts per week for sixty
to ninety minutes each is all you’re going
to need.
And once you get the hang of how to eat for
your goals it should pretty much become an
automatic thing that you don’t have to think
too much about.
So sacrificing your social life or letting
bodybuilding get in the way of your studies
or other hobbies just isn’t necessary and
it’s not going to be healthy for you in
the long run.
Being focused and being dedicated is one thing
but I would highly recommend that you not
be the guy who says no to hanging out with
your friends or going to social gatherings
because you’re not sure how you’ll get
a proper meal in or shutting out everything
else in your life because all you care about
is building muscle.
I’ve been there before.
I did that to a certain degree when I was
young during certain periods.
The truth is that it’s just not necessary
and it won’t make you happy anyway if it
turns into an unhealthy obsession.
So try to strike a good balance for yourself.
And also keep in mind that building muscle
is all about what you do in the big picture
anyway over the course of several weeks and
several months and even years.
So going out with your friends one night and
having your nutrition not be a hundred percent,
or going to a party, or even missing a workout
here and there, it’s not going to have any
real impact as long as you’re doing things
right around eighty to ninety percent at a
So, that covers the ten tips.
A bit of a longer log here but I hoped it
was helpful.
Make sure to leave a
comment and subscribe if you did enjoy it.
My official website is over at https://musclebeast23.blogspot.com/
where you can check out all of my step-by-step
programs, articles, free giveaways and more.
And you can follow me on social media here
if you aren’t already.
Thanks for watching, guys.
I’ll talk to you again soon.
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