Sunday, March 1, 2020

Top 5 Most Extreme FAKE Bodybuilders

With well-known figures like Arnie always
in the spotlight, it is no surprise that bodybuilding
is as popular now as it has ever been.
There are thousands of professional and amateur
bodybuilders all over the world who dedicated
their lives to sculpting their body into peak
However, there are also fakes out there who
get their results in a less than ethical manner,
thanks to the use of anabolic steroids, synthol
and even fake weights.
What’s worse is that they are promoting
their results on social media.
So now, let’s check out the top 10 most
extreme fake bodybuilders.
Gregg Valentino

Gregg Valentino

One name to hit headlines in the bodybuilding world, for all the wrong reasons, is Gregg Valentino. For more than 25 years, Valentino worked hard to become a trophy-winning bodybuilder and did it in the right way. However, between the years of 2008 and 2011, he was talked about a lot in the industry for his use of synthol. Synthol is a mixture of oil, alcohol and other harmful substances that is injected underneath the muscle to push it upwards so that it appears bigger. Valentino noticed guys half his age at his local gym were surpassing his lifting abilities and wanted to do something about it. He felt that nobody took him seriously. It was at this point that he began injecting synthol into his biceps. Alongside injecting, he also used equipoise and testosterone propionate - up to 3500mg a week. His arms ended up looking completely unnatural due to his anabolic steroid use. Ultimately, he paid the price when his biceps exploded when he punctured an abscess which became infected and led to major blood loss. Even more worrying is the fact that while synthol has always had a bad rep, especially in the bodybuilding world, it saw a boost in popularity after people saw the results achieved by Valentino. Liking this video so far? Then hit that follow button.

Kirill Tereshin

This 21-year-old hails from Pyatigorsk celciusin Russia’s Stavropol Krai region, and has hit headlines multiple times in recent years and much like Valentino, for all the wrong reasons. Although he once served in the army, once he left, he decided that he wanted to get into bodybuilding. However, he decided to go about it in the wrong way and began injecting synthol, like Valentino. In the space of just 10 days, Tereshin observed a massive increase in muscle diameter of 26cm. Compared to the rest of his body, his arms look totally out of proportion. We can’t imagine anyone favoring the Popeye look, but apparently, they do. Terrifyingly, each time Tereshin would inject synthol into his bicep, he would come down with a fever of up to 40 degrees and feel like he was dying. Even more worrying is the fact that this didn’t encourage him to stop injecting the substance, which causes the muscles to form rocks within them. Not only do the results of synthol look ridiculous, but it has been shown that the oil can cause cysts, abscesses, muscle damage, and even strokes.

Romario dos Santos Alves

This 27-year-old has also hit the headlines recently for, you guessed it, his alarming use of synthol to achieve ridiculous biceps. According to Alves, he modeled his physique on The Incredible Hulk. He has freely admitted that he was addicted to injecting the oil and has since faced serious health issues because of this. At one point he was even faced with the possibility of a double amputation. Fortunately for him, it didn’t come to that but he still isn’t out of the woods yet in terms of long-term damage. He became hooked on injecting synthol after he moved from his hometown of Caldas Novas to Goiania, Brazil, where he was introduced to the oil at his local gym. He injected so much that his muscles started to solidify to the point where he could no longer get a needle in. While you would think this would be a warning sign to stop, Alves instead decided to buy special needles that are designed to inject bulls with so that he could force it into his muscle. Sadly, he had attempted suicide, and he had also come dangerously close to suffering from kidney failure. Fortunately, he has since turned things around and now has ambitions of becoming a professional bodybuilder but intends to stay clean, thankfully.

Brad Castleberry

To say that Brad Castleberry is one of the most hated fitness vloggers on YouTube is an understatement. Growing up with a father and grandfather who were very into fitness and the gym, Castleberry was destined to follow the same path. He got his first gym membership at the young age of 16 and entered his first professional bodybuilding competition at 19. However, he soon decided that professional bodybuilding was not for him. Since graduating from college, Castleberry has mainly focussed on weightlifting and building a huge following on YouTube. Unfortunately for him, it is the platform where he receives a lot of negative feedback, along with on Instagram. In some instances, he has even been labeled as a disgrace to bodybuilding. Ouch. The controversy stems from accusations of using fake weights in his videos. While many struggled to prove that this was the case, one YouTuber actually found a website where it is possible to purchase fake hexagonal weights, exactly like those used by Castleberry. There are also claims that this muscle man uses Photoshop to edit some of his Instagram posts to make it appear like he is lifting more than he is. He has always denied these claims, but by looking around online, it is clear to see that there is plenty of information to back them up.

Gracyanne Barbosa

Another fitness guru who has made a name for herself on social media is Gracyanne Barbosa. She is a Brazilian fitness model who has amassed an impressive 5.9 million followers on Instagram. Much like Castleberry, Barbosa has faced some harsh criticism over certain posts. However, from taking a look at her Instagram account, it is very easy to see why real bodybuilders have taken issue with her. Some of her posts depict her lifting ridiculous weights that, given her frame, would probably cause her to buckle in half. It is quite clear that she is using fake weights. As well as this, she is lifting without the help of a weight belt or even weightlifting shoes. In one video she claims to squat 495lbs. There have been numerous hate comments left for her, including one stating that people like her take the focus away from real powerlifters. We can definitely see why this is the case, especially when women in bodybuilding are not given much focus as it is. There are some incredible female bodybuilders out there who are not getting the recognition that they deserve because of people like this who have become famous through the use of social media and deception.

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